Qolware GmbH

Arab Health 2018 - Dubai

Qolware GmbH

Arab Health 2018 - Dubai

Company Description

Qolware GmbH is a data analytics startup specialized on digital health solutions, composed of an international team of researchers and professionals passionate about healthcare, wearables and the Internet of Things, with +9 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence, web-enabled technologies, and human-centered interaction. We bring health assistance to the next level by providing mobile applications that detect, monitor and predict health related changes and emergencies, such as falls or epileptic seizures, using market-proven sensor technology embedded in consumer electronics products (smartwatches, smartphones and tablets). During Arab Health 2018, Qolware presents the LOLA App - the first wearable solution developed for continuous, real-time health and emergency assistance in daily life that provides maximum safety and autonomy for elderly and individuals with chronic diseases and a peace-of-mind for professional caregivers and family members.

More information about LOLA App are available at www.lola-health.com

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