Tyromotion GmbH
Arab Health 2022 - Dubai

Product Description
MYRO® is an interactive therapy system, which can be used in a multitude of ways: The sensor-based surface enables a taskoriented
rehabilitation with real objects, trains the patient’s abilities and improves motor abilities of the upper extremity.
The force detection can be used with pressure and pull to assess, control therapy applications and enhance uni- or bilateral
force control training. The large screen can optimally be used for spatially-explorative and cognitive training, visual motor
integration skills skills-training and specific exercises to improve the ROM.
The intended use of MYRO® is computer-assisted motoric and cognitive therapy for upper extremity. The MYRO® interactive therapy table is typically used in occupational therapy and physical therapy. In addition to conventional therapy MYRO® is used to assist, enhance, and intensify therapy in a motivational way. Repetitive and task-oriented movements of the upper extremity offers intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli to promote brain reorganization.
Bilateral work enables a better rewiring of the hemispheres. Repeated activity and training triggers neuroplasticity which modifies the central nervous system to recover functionality. For this reason, MYRO® in combination with tyroS Software offers assessment and therapy modules for individual therapy, which supports the principles of motor learning. The user is always supported by a multisensory feedback.