Dahlhausen & Co. GmbH
Arab Health 2024 - Dubai
MIRUS™ Anaesthetic vaporiser

Product Description
MIRUS™ Automatic inhalative sedation
The MIRUS™ System consists of the MIRUS™ Controller, the MIRUS™ Reflector and the MIRUS™ Filter.
The MIRUS™ Controller is an electronic vaporiser that allows the user to administer a defined concentration of volatile anaesthetic to a patient. It uses a respiratory measurement system, which is integrated in the patient’s ventilation system via the MIRUS™ Reflector, to measure the patient’s breathing activity and volumes. Based on these measured volumes and the desired concentrations, the MIRUS™ Controller automatically regulates the required amount of volatile anaesthetic during inspiration, adapted to the patient, starting at a tidal volume of 200 ml. It features simplified user interfaces, safe filling, reliable gas- and respiratory monitoring and a smart alarm management. The MIRUS™ Reflector is a micro rebreathing system with a highly effective carbon reflector to be used on all patients for up to 7 days. The MIRUS™ Filter is reliable in eliminating all germs in the respiratory gas and can be used for
up to 48 hours.
When the MIRUS™ Controller is switched on, it always performs a power-up and a system test to verify all systems are properly working. Inside the respiratory monitoring menu, you can supervise the patient ́s respiratory data. The MIRUS™ Controller is equipped with a gas monitor that displays the patient's gas concentrations and the CO2 curve. If the etCO2 or etVA is outside the alarm threshold, the user is informed through the alarm system accordingly.
Using the Diffusion-Optimised Gas Application function of the MIRUS™ System, the anaesthetic gas is only delivered during the diffusion-relevant phase of inspiration. With MAC Pilot the "assistant by your side" ensures and maintains the set target MAC value at all times, just like the cruise control in your car maintains the selected speed. The set MAC value can be changed and adjusted at any time. The MIRUS™ Controller automatically adjusts to the new conditions. At any time of application, the system can be refilled and the pause button can be pressed, e.g. when suctioning the patient