Dr. Schumacher GmbH
Arab Health 2024 - Dubai
Aseptoman med

Product Description
Alcoholic hand disinfectant
- Limited spectrum virucidal activity
- Effective against norovirus within 30 s
- Fast acting and highly effective, outstanding skin compatibility
Alcoholic hand disinfectant to be rubbed into the skin. ASEPTOMAN MEDis especially gentle to the skin due to its low alcohol content, yet it still has a broad efficacy spectrum and is therefore the ideal product for the daily routine. ASEPTOMAN MED is noro-, rota- and adenovirus effective within the requirements of hygienic hand disinfection. ASEPTOMAN MED fulfils the requirements for hand disinfection during noro-, rota- and adenovirus outbreaks. It is perfume-free and free from cumulative long-term agents, which can accumulate on the skin and cause irritations. Additionally, ASEPTOMAN MED contains valuable re-fattening and caring ingredients to prevent drying out of the skin.