Gebr. Willach GmbH
Arab Health 2024 - Dubai
FAMA Shelves

Product Description
FAMA Shelving System for community and hospital outpatient pharmacies
In community and hospital outpatient pharmacies, the FAMA Shelving System provides simple and fast access to all items. Fast movers can be stored on FAMA Round Shelves or in FAMA Sloping Trays and slow movers in FAMA Drawers below the worktops.
FAMA Shelving System for hospital inpatient pharmacies
In hospital inpatient pharmacies, you need fast and neat product stocking to quickly dispense large quantities of medicines and consumables such as disposable items and bandages. With the FAMA Shelving System 300 and 500 you are guaranteed to find the ideal configuration for your particular requirements.
FAMA Shelving System for hospital wards
To store medicines and items for daily use on hospital wards, Willach offers a combined system of shelf and worktop with the FAMA Worktop Shelf. Our customers find the optional extras particularly useful, such as integrated drawers for the dust-free storage of hygiene items and the directed lighting for individual work areas.
FAMA Sloping Trays: these trays are designed for the compact and neat storage of large quantities of packages. Picking packages is easy; you don’t even need to pull out the tray. Simply take out the package you need and the next one will slide straight into place, maintaining the ‘first in, first out’ principle. You’ll only ever need to pull the tray out to stock it back up again.
FAMA Flat Trays: the metal frame offers numerous options to position your FAMA Flat Trays at exactly the height you need. That makes it easy to stock anything from disposable items and bandages up to large containers and bulky packages. You can even organise
each tray into sections, using special dividers.
FAMA Flat Shelves: excess stock can be temporarily stored on flat shelves directly where you need it to replenish trays or drawers. So stock replenishment takes less time because you have to make fewer trips to a separate storage room.
FAMA Drawers: medicine packages, bottles, consumables and disposable items can be sorted, stored and protected from dust in FAMA Drawers – either in fullheight bays or under the worktop bench. You can easily use cross-dividers to separate out smaller quantities of many different items too, such as slow movers.