medical ECONET GmbH
Arab Health 2024 - Dubai

Product Description
- WIFI - Complete wireless solution
- AED function (automatic exposure detection)
- AP (Access Point) Mode - direct Wi-Fi communication between detector and workstation
- Cassette size - ultra-thin 36cm x 43cm Retrofit Solution
- Internal Image Memory - save up to 100 images without a connection to Laptop / PC
- Universal - suitable for mobile and stationary use
- Superior image quality - due to 127µm and 3,9 line pairs / mm
Technical data:
- Interface: Wireless
- Sensor Type: Amorphous Silicon with TFT
- Dimensions: 384 x 460 x 15,4 mm
- Active Image Area: 35.8 x 42.3 cm
- Scintillator: Caesium-Iodid (CsI)
- Weight: 3 kg
- Pixel Number: 2756 x 3268 pixels
- Pixel Pitch: 127 µm
- Line Pairs: 3,9 / mm
- A/D Conversion: 14/16 bit
- Energy Range: 40-150 kV
- Battery: Li-Ion battery (3400 mAh)
- Battery Running Time: up to 3 hours per battery