Arab Health 2024 - Dubai
tergumed 710

Product Description
Efficient and varied back pain therapy
tergumed 710 offers a holistic back concept for preventive and rehabilitative treatment. Using the feedback training, the quality the patient achieves in the exercises is made clear. This increases motivation and interest in continuing specialist mobility treatment offers. This can turn contented patients into health-conscious customers who use professionally supported mobility offers as self-payers.
The entire biomechanics of the tergumed 710 devices are specially designed to meet the needs of back patients. Positioning, fixation options and adjustments are designed in such a way that the use of the devices is possible and useful in the early phases of post-treatment. The tergumed line is equipped with measuring sensors, a smart assist system and the intelligent tergumed module of the proxotrain software. Static and dynamic test procedures can be carried out via the software. The software can be used as feedback during training.
Both the test results and the data of each individual training session are stored in the patient's database. Thus, the tergumed module of the proxotrain software enables complete documentation and progress monitoring of the measure during therapy. Treatment progress is made transparent to the patient, doctor and cost bearer as well as the therapist as part of quality assurance.
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