Arab Health 2024 - Dubai

Product Description
The safe and comfortable way to actively improve your sitting posture –ergonomic, dynamic and practical.
Ready to use – no inflation necessary
The SISSEL SITFIT is a portable, air-filled sitting pad. The SITFIT is not only a dynamic sitting aid but also a training device for exercises while standing or sitting, in supine, lateral, or prone position.
Dynamic Sitting strengthens the stabilising muscles of the back and therefore relieves the spine. Especially people who sit on the job use the SISSEL SITFIT with their office chair or at home. In addition, the SISSEL SITFIT can be used to target restless sitting, for example at school.
The SISSEL SITFIT is skidproof and secure, which makes it a good choice for people who reject a gym ball as a dynamic sitting device because of its size and possible instability.
The ergonomically enhanced shape of the SITFIT Plus provides optimal ensemble of active sitting and outstanding sitting comfort.
SISSEL SITFIT (Latex free!)
2 Available sizes: Ø approx. 33 cm, Ø approx. 36 cm
Available in 2 colours: blue and black
Material: PVC
• velours cover (75% cotton/25% polyester), available in 3 colours (blue, grey, and black)
• NEW: organic cotton cover available in sand (100% cotton)
SISSEL SITFIT Plus (Latex free!)
2 Available sizes: Ø approx. 37 cm, one size for teens and adults
Available in 3 colours: blue, red, and black
Material: PVC
• velours cover (75% cotton/25% polyester), available in 2 colours (blue and black)
• NEW: organic cotton cover available in sand (100% cotton)