PolyCine GmbH
Arab Health 2025 - Dubai
Advanced PolyPropylene and PolyEthylene Multilayer Infusion Bag films

Product Description
Polycine films are used to make flexible bags and containers for liquid drug packaging.
Flexible IV-bags provide many advantages compared to the common glass bottle or blow molded plastic container. They are light, easy to handle, carry and store and – most importantly – collapsible, which makes air vents redundant. Further advantages are the reduction of weight and volume and a high level of transparency. Polycine’s Polyolefin based Advanced PolyPropylene and PolyEthylene (APP)-series provide high-quality and cost effective film and tubing solutions for many different applications. The tailor-made films come as multilayer coextruded tubular films or cut as double wound flat film in customized widths.