Norma Instruments Zrt.
Medlab ME 2022 - Dubai
Norma Icon-5 OP, the smallest laser-based 5-diff hematology analyzer with open vial sampling

Product Description
The Icon-5 OP is Norma's newest addition to its hematology product portfolio; a smart, laser-based 5-part differential hematology analyzer with open vial sampling option that inherited its predecessors elegant and award winning design. The Icon-5 OP provides a 27-parameter complete blood cell count report that includes a 5-part diff WBC scattergram, as well as RBC and PLT histograms, using the following measurement technologies: laser based forward-scattered light method for the differentiation of white blood cells (WBC), volumetric impedance method for detection of red blood cells (RBC) and photometric method for the measurement of hemoglobin (HGB) levels.