Norma Instruments Zrt.

Medlab ME 2025 - Dubai

Norma Instruments Zrt.

Medlab ME 2025 - Dubai

Company Description

Norma Instruments Zrt. is a Hungarian company that specializes in the designing and manufacturing of high-quality and innovative blood analysis systems serving the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) market. Since our company’s launch in 2012, Norma has grown into an international company that operates in nearly 80 countries today through a well-established and well-trained distribution network.

Norma's product range consists of hematology analyzers and reagents for human medical and veterinary use.

Our instruments can perform one of the most common hematology tests, the complete blood count (CBC), a quantitative test that counts the number of various white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in human and animal blood. Why is it important? Because it can evaluate one's overall state of health and is used to diagnose several disorders, including anemia, infections, and leukemia. For this reason, hematology analyzers are an essential part of every laboratory worldwide.

Norma was among the first companies to utilize microfluidic technologies in the development of hematology analyzers, which allowed us to develop the smallest hematology analyzers with the smallest sample volume processing and smallest reagent consumption in the world.

These new, environmentally friendly innovations enable the analyzer to be used in point-of-care or near-patient testing environments, such as in Intensive Care Units, Emergency Departments, General Practitioner Offices, Blood Banks, or even in Mobile Care Units, thus patients can receive faster diagnosis and treatment, helping them with more efficient and faster recovery.

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